Understanding Pastoral Termination, digital
Help & Hope
Understanding Pastoral Termination Part 5: Dismissing a Pastor with Love and Grace
The following is the final article in the series "Understanding Pastoral...
Understanding Pastoral Termination Part 4: The Long-Term Effects of Forced Termination
The following is the fourth of five articles in the series "Understanding Pastoral...
Understanding Pastoral Termination Part 3: Identifying the Reasons for Pastoral Termination
The following article is the third in the five-part series "Understanding Pastoral...
Understanding Pastoral Termination Part 2: Recognizing The Process that Leads to Termination
The following article is the second in the five-part series "Understanding Pastoral...
Understanding Pastoral Termination Part 1: Defining the Issue
The following is the first of five articles in the series "Understanding Pastoral...
Overwhelmed but not Overcome!
If you are a pastor who has lost your ministry position, we understand what you're...
Elbow Room!
Thank you, Matt, for the reminder that "We have a determined enemy, the devil, with...
Same God! Same Dry Ground!
"It’s not like this river is a trickling brook in the middle of a drought; no, it’s...
The Waymaker!
Pastors' Hope Network is excited to begin sharing posts from a great Christian...
A Proposal for All Church Leaders
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I can think of no better time to submit a...
Abducted by Aliens
Note: Abducted by Aliens was written and first published several years ago by Dave...
Free at Last
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of...
The Beauty of Brokenness
My husband has a special fondness for nativities and when we married, his mother...
The Art of Steadiness
Late one November, we decided to take the kids to a Christmas tree farm to chop...